Archives: Services

Pride @ UUFF

Speaker: Gavyn Shepard Lay Leader: Erin Morotti  Music: Marsha Sousa

While June is Pride Month, we at UUFF celebrate our LGBTQ+ community everyday of the year. Join us as we hear from the Fairbanks Queer Collective. Their mission is to build community through community outreach and … read more.

WhaleCoast: Solstice

Speaker: Marsha Sousa Lay Leader: Jana Peirce Music: Marsha Sousa
It’s the time when the light is long and the night is short. Join us in celebrating the Summer Solstice through stories, songs, and images.


Conscientious Objection

Speaker: Alison Carter Lay leader: Marilyn Richardson  Music: Marsha Sousa, music.
Alison, a former GI Rights Hotline Counselor, will share her experience with counseling active duty military members facing a change in their moral, ethical, or religious beliefs causing them to no longer be able to participate in war. … read more.

The Spirituality of the New UU values

Speaker: Molly Murray  Music: Marsha Sousa
General assembly will again be discussing adopting the new UU values but many people have trouble seeing where the spiritual aspects of them are. What are these new principles? How do they relate to the 7 principles? Where is the spiritual?


Inspiration and Hope

Speaker: Eric Muehling  Music: Marsha Sousa
An imaginary story teller, Professor Linguist, explains the evolution of human experience through language. Human nature is exposed, yet the professor concludes with an optimistic view of hope and love.


Meditation Retreats for Wildland Fire Fighters

Speaker: Evan Sterling Lay Leader: Dave Frey Music: Marsha Sousa
For the past two winters, several dozen wildland firefighters from around the country have gathered at the Tassajara Mountain Zen Center in central California for a 9-day mindfulness and meditation retreat. Supported by the San Francisco Zen Center, the retreats … read more.

May Greening Celebration

Speaker: Amy Taylor  Lay Leader: Molly Murray   Music: Marsha Sousa and possible guest
We gather to celebrate greening week together with song and dance, feasting and frolicking! Invite friends to join us for an after-service potluck and dance around the Maypole to welcome the coming of the Hal-an-Tow or the … read more.

We are 68 and doin’ great!

Speakers: John Davies, Laurie Walton, Dave Frey  Lay Leader: Cam Leonard Music: Marsha Sousa
In this service we will reflect on our impressive past and revisit our bright future as we begin our annual pledge drive.



Speakers: Molly Murray, Silvia Daeumichen, and Gavyn Shepard  Music: Marsha Sousa
Transitions and milestones are a part of everyone’s life. We dedicate ourselves to our children, we welcome new members, we bridge youth into young adulthood. There are so many other milestones throughout our lives that are … read more.

A Celebration of Community

Speaker: Laurie Walton  Music: Marsha Sousa

A short service celebrating community with music and words followed by the Annual Meeting.

The service and the annual meeting are available for all to attend via Zoom.