A Walk in the Woods

Speaker: Jim Rigsbee  Lay Leader: Susan Grace Music: Marsha Sousa

Have you ever been alone in nature and experienced a fantastic feeling of euphoria; a larger than you feeling? Has being in nature soothed and calmed your mind? Perhaps you just had a spiritual encounter with … read more.

Spiritual Toolbox

Spiritual Toolbox

Speakers: Eric Muehling and Ashley Lane Music: Marsha Sousa
A Spiritual Toolbox helps us grow and maintain a spiritual practice. Examples include meditation and quiet walks in the woods. Bring your spiritual tools to share with others.


Transitions and Transformations

Speaker: Becca Bernard  Lay Leader: Laura Volmert Music: Marsha Sousa
Our Unitarian Universalist core value of “transformation” can guide our way when we’re in times of transition and tumultuous change — times like the current moment.