Spiral of Light/St. Lucia’s Day

Speaker: Silvia Daeumichen Lay Leader: Ashley Lane Music: Marsha Sousa

The Spiral of Light is a tradition that honors the seasonal cycle of light and darkness. The spiral is one of nature’s many patterns and can be found in shells, flowers, pinecones, fingertips, and galaxies. In this festival, the spiral represents the seasonal rhythms as well the contemplative journey we take to find our own inner “light.”  As we are spiraling inwards to ourselves, we discover our own beauty, strength, insight, and gifts. We then turn from this discovery within and carry our gifts of radiance back out into the world. As each community member walks the spiral to the center candle to light their own candle and places it along the spiral, the room is filled with increasing light and the spiral becomes aglow with light.

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Meeting ID: 814 8750 5349
Join by phone: +1 253 215 8782