Category: Sundays

Join us Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. We’re located at 4448 Pikes Landing Road (map), just across from the Princess Hotel, in Fairbanks, Alaska. Worship services last 60 to 75 minutes and are followed by a coffee hour that provides a chance to discuss the service, talk with the speaker or UUFF board members, and get acquainted with others in the UUFF community.

About half our Sunday Services are led by our minister, Rev. Leslie Ahuvah Fails. At other times, services are lay led, so you can expect to hear many voices speaking on a variety of topics over the course of the year. Our services also feature guest speakers, visiting ministers, facilitated discussions on spiritual and social concerns, and dramatic presentations. Music is always a part of the worship service. Seasonal services often include the traditional UU flower communion, a Maypole dance, fall water communion and winter solstice celebration.

Read on to learn more about what people wear, childcare, weather policies and handicap accessibility, or go to This Sunday to read about specific upcoming services and listen to podcasts of select past services.
What to Wear
We are a casual group, and though some people do dress up for Sunday morning, others come in jeans or dressed for skiing or biking after the service. Wear what you feel comfortable in.
Where to Park
Parking can be tight on well-attended Sundays. There is diagonal parking on the right along the driveway leading up to the fellowship and more parking behind the building. Overflow parking is on the shoulder of Pikes Landing Road.
Childcare on Sundays
Childcare is available for toddlers and preschoolers during the Sunday service. There is also a soundproof family room at the back of the sanctuary so parents can see and hear the service without worrying that infants or toddlers will disturb others. From September to May, Religious Exploration (RE) classes are available for elementary age children, while middle and high school students are invited to stay and participate in the worship service.
Handicap Accessibility
Our sanctuary is wheelchair accessible, and personal hearing devices are available to help individuals with minor hearing loss enjoy the services better. Coffee hour is held in the foyer and kitchen areas, which are also wheelchair accessible. Some Religious Exploration classes and activities for youth are held in the basement, which is reached only by stairs. You can contact us with requests for greater accessibility or leave a message with your name and phone number at 451-8838 and we will get back to you. As we look for ways to improve accessibility, your input can help us set priorities.
Weather Policy
We hold Sunday worship services regardless of temperature, however there is a temperature cut-off of -30 F for Children’s RE classes. We ask that individuals and families make their own decisions about what temperature or conditions are too extreme to travel to service in winter.
Who are Our Worship Leaders
Worship leaders are lay members of the fellowship who enjoy working with others to weave all the elements of the service together into a meaningful whole. They work with the minister, guest speakers, accompanist, choir, and children’s storyteller. If you are interested in being a worship leader, watch for announcements of upcoming trainings for new worship leaders, which are offered at least once a year, or contact us to be notified of the next training. Another good way to get involved in Sunday services is to join the Worship Team.
How to Participate in Worship Planning
We rely on the hard work and talents of members and friends to provide interesting programs and speakers on Sundays when our minister is not in Fairbanks. Designing meaningful worship services is an art. The Sunday Services Committee at UUFF provides a great outlet for individual creativity as well as an opportunity for rewarding collaboration. Committee members are able to help shape the conversation that takes place on Sunday mornings and given the chance to share their own spiritual journeys and passions with others. If you would like to participate in worship planning or have an idea for a good guest speaker or topic, please contact us.

Where to Find Out about Upcoming Services

Join our email announcements list by signing up in the sidebar at right to receive a weekly email about upcoming services and events. You will also receive an email once a month with a link to download our newsletter. If you prefer not to sign … read more.

How to Find Us

We are located at 4448 Pikes Landing Road, across from the Princess Hotel.
Directions: From Airport Way, turn Right onto Hoselton Road at Pike’s restaurant. After one block, turn Left onto Pikes Landing Road as if you were going to the Princess Hotel. Look … read more.

Raven’s Tree of Life Quilt

The Raven’s Tree of Life panel at the front of the Sanctuary was pieced and quilted by Stephanie Rudig in 2005 from a drawing by UUFF artist Shane Hurd. The design was by Committee. There is a meaningful story behind the quilt’s symbolism.