Category: About

The UUFF is a Unitarian Universalist fellowship founded in 1956 to provide a place to share and explore liberal religious values in Interior Alaska. UUFF is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) of North American congregations, and the Pacific Western Region of the UUA. We are a self-supporting congregation that governs itself on democratic principles and seeks consensus on major issues.

Our Mission

UUFF is an inclusive community that encourages religious freedom, nurtures spiritual and ethical growth, celebrates diversity, and promotes a just, sustainable, and peaceful world. (Adopted April 2009)

A Welcoming Congregation

We are a welcoming, open and affirming congregation, a place where people of all races, religious backgrounds, sexual orientations and gender expressions are welcome to come just as they are. In 2007, members of the Fellowship voted overwhelmingly to become an official … read more.

Sunday Services

The fellowship meets at 10:30 a.m. Sunday mornings. Our Full-time Minister is Rev. Leslie Ahuvah Fails. When Rev. Leslie is not leading our services, they are led by lay members of the fellowship or by guest speakers from the community and visiting ministers from other … read more.

How to Find Us

We are located at 4448 Pikes Landing Road, across from the Princess Hotel.
Directions: From Airport Way, turn Right onto Hoselton Road at Pike’s restaurant. After one block, turn Left onto Pikes Landing Road as if you were going to the Princess Hotel. Look … read more.